Worms 2 No Cd In Drive Error Fixer
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Tszcheetah: I hadn't seen this one yet when I contacted them. Might give it another shot.
Worms: Armageddon @ GameStop. In most cases using a No-CD or Fixed EXE will solve this problem! Some Game Trainers are sometimes reported to be a Virus or Trojan, the most common is a keylogger called HotKeysHook or the file has been packed/protected with VMProtect or Themida and is recognized as Win32/Packed.VMProtect or Win32/Packed.Themida. Sep 12, 2005 No cd error; If this is your first visit. Worms 2 No CD or directory protection audio cd with data (cuz if u put it in a cd player it plays the soundtracks). You can swap drive letters in Windows XP Disk Management to fix this, making Daemon Tools your first CD/DVD drive. Only change drive letters for CD/DVD drives, not for your harddisk(s).
I did check with procmon and noticed a continuous loop of opening winmm.dll by the Worms 2 Frontend. I'll see if your solution works later this week, if it does I'll get in touch with GOG support again. Previously I also managed to fix a few of the game's files by hand, so a match would at least launch with some default settings/terrain/etc. This was also choppy, but the Windows 8+ fixes referred to on this forum can help with that (plus it'll run in a higher resolution too). Those fixes might also help you.
[UPDATE] It works! For others: see for the download link. Rename win32.dll from the Worms 2 installation folder to e.g. Win32.bak.dll 2. Rename winmm.dll from the downloaded zip file to win32.dll 3. Put the fixed win32.dll in the Worms 2 installation folder 4. Right-click 'frontend.exe', choose Properties, Compatibility, then set it to run with 'Windows XP (Service Pack 3)' compatibility.
This will solve some issues like hanging on shut-down or after a match. Get the ReSolution patch from and install it to the Worms 2 installation folder. This will solve choppy and low-res gameplay in matches, replacing it with buttersmooth hi-res goodness.
Play the game. FYI: I didn't actually need any of the other files from the winmm zip.
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You might still get a warning that the application may not have closed properly right before the intro movie shows, but I'll happily ignore that. Thanks to DrakeFox above and StepS_ at for the tips! DrakeFox: Well done to test out the ReSolution patch and finding the WinXP SP3 thing. Now all that seems left is to get music working again. Evidently the linked Winmm.dll file doesn't work the same way as the one Gog initially provided. I'm guessing they're based on ogg-winmm Sadly, I don't know much about C coding, certainly not enough to figure out what the problem is, but potentially the Winmm linked is the one this guy built and chronicled what changes to ogg-winmm he did on his blog The change he made seem to be mostly commenting out the creation of a thread in the initialization of using the library, he mentions this partly because of causing deadlocks which seems like what the original gog issue is. SOTE might use the library differently and thus it'll work without the thread creation there.
And Win 10 does things in Winmm differently enough that the originally used method causes deadlocks while commenting it out leaves us without ogg playback. Maybe some day when I'm not so lazy and get around to actually installing MinGW, and a build environment, and learn enough C to not just understand the code, but also have a clue how to dump to a file which calls Worms makes, I might manage to fix this up, seems like a worthwhile project. There might however be someone a bit less hackish with C experience to whom building on the ogg-winmm code it's trivial to dump which calls worms 2 does, and implement a hopefully small change. It's really a nice way ogg-wimm replaces the calls in the first place. Edit: Also, noticing this being the third game I've had trouble getting to run on Windows 10, and the third game wherein the issue seems to be either win32.dll (alias of winmm.dll). I wonder how many of the currently 'Win-10 incompatible' games are down to something fixable with a proper patching of this. Edit of the edit: Make that four games.