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The HD version of The Everything Pack Software Plug-In Bundle v6 from McDSP is a complete collection of digital equalizers, compressors, virtual tape machines, reverbs, multiband dynamic processors, de-essers, noise filters, and Futz tools for processing your tracks. It can be utilized on Mac and Window computers by producers, engineers, and musicians for applications such as recordings, films, broadcast TV, voice-overs, post productions, and more. Specifically, the HD plug-ins provide AAX DSP for use with Pro Tools HD, but also includes AAX Native, Audiosuite, Audio Units and VST versions for use with other DAWs including Logic, Digital Performer (DP), Cubase, and Ableton Live. Subtitle indonesia the wig 2005 dodge. The 6020 Ultimate EQ Software Plug-In v6 from McDSP is a collection of ten equalizer models based on classic and modern hardware equalizers over the last four decades.
It can be used on Mac and Windows computers by engineers, producers, and musicians for applications such as voice-overs, recordings, films, broadcast TV, and more. All 6020 Ultimate EQ modules are easy to operate and yet have enough sophistication for the most discerning professional. Whatever your style, from smooth tube emulations to aggressive solid-state designs, the 6020 Ultimate EQ has a custom-made equalizer module that is just right for you. The HD plug-ins provide AAX DSP for use with Pro Tools HD, but also includes AAX Native, Audio Units and VST versions for use with other DAWs including Logic, Digital Performer (DP), Cubase, and Ableton Live •. The SPC2000 v6 Compressor Software Plug-In from McDSP is a serial/parallel compressor that offers the flexibility of the classic CompressorBank plug-in by McDSP, but uses the two, three, and four stage configurations of which the routing combinations can emulate any other compressor.
It can be used on Mac and Windows computers by producers, engineers, and musicians for applications such as broadcast TV, films, recording studios, and more. The SPC2000 is 3 Plug-Ins; the SPC202 is a two-stage configuration, the SPC303 is a three-stage configuration, and the SPC404 is a four-stage configuration. In addition, each compressor in the SPC2000 uses algorithms and controls giving the user complete control of the dynamic compression. Some other features of the SPC2000 includes common controls such as an output (make-up gain), a threshold, a compression (ratio), an attack, and a release, as well as non-standard knee and BITE controls, which allow the articulation of compression characteristics in unique and exciting ways. The multiple peak detection circuits provide a flexibility previously achieved only by owning different compression units. The HD plug-ins provide AAX DSP for use with Pro Tools HD, but also includes AAX Native, Audio Units and VST versions for use with other DAWs including Logic, Digital Performer (DP), Cubase, and Ableton Live. Bi-Directional Intelligent Transient Enhancement (BITE) Allows signal transients to pass through the compressor without being compressed to emulate the sound of analog compressors Time-Constant Circuit Section Adjusts attack time, release time, and the time-constant circuit algorithm type to emulate the design and sound of different analog compressors Presets Includes compressor emulations of the Teletronix LA2A, UREI 1176 LN, Neve 2254E/33609, dbx 165, Avalon Designs AD2044 as well as presets specifically designed for sounds such as vocals, dialog, drums, and more •.
The AE400 Active EQ v6 from McDSP is four completely overlapping bands of fixed and active equalization for Mac and Windows computers with Q (bandwidth), fixed gain, and active gain controls. It is designed for post production, studio production, and live sound applications. The AE400 plug-in provides a key filter for each band and allows the active gain response to be as selective or broad as needed based on the Q (bandwidth) control. Each band can use the input signal or selected side chain signal to trigger the active EQ response. The active EQ bands can be controlled via the response plot itself, or from the text readouts above and below the response plot. The AE400's active EQ response is determined by each band's threshold, attack and release settings.