Garri Potter Shrift Russkij

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Is the translated version of the Harry Potter series worth getting from a learners stand point? I've heard it's poorly translated, but if you aren't exactly reading for entertainment, is it good? IMHO, any HP book is worth getting from a learner's point of view.

The first two-three books are pretty easy to read and would be very useful for learners at an intermidiate level. The rest of the HP books - that is, 3rd-6th, are, imo, a lot more difficult to read. I have read the first five books in Russian and have enyojed them all.

Especially the 5th one since it's not as childish as the rest. I have read it in English as well. I haven't yet read the 6th HP book but hopefully I will manage to get it in English. I recommend you to read any HP book that is translated into English (if it is your first language) if you like HP.

I would say that Dan Brown's books are translated into Russian much worse that the HP series. I didn't need a dictionary while reading HP5 in English. Like you said, it's pretty easy to read but there are still some things that might prove interesting to learners. Tecom cyber blue bluetooth drivers.

If you want complex sentences etc. You should then read Tolkien. The number of adjectives in his books is amazing! You will hardly ever come across them in other books The last book I read in English was 'Digital Fortress' by Dan Brown.

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I tremendously enjoyed reading this book. It's of great value to a learner of English. You could read Dostoevsky as well if you want 'tough' Russian.