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Drumagog is a MP3 & Audio software developed by WaveMachine Labs, Inc. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for Drumagog: Edit by Brothersoft: Drumagog is a plug-in which automatically replaces drum tracks with your choice of other samples. Engineers and producers worldwide use Drumagog every day to fix and enhance their drum tracks. It's extremely easy to use. Just insert Drumagog onto a drum track, and pick your favorite sample!
For advanced drum replacing, Drumagog is packed with powerful features for the ultimate in control, and includes a massive 4GB drum sample. Features: - Automatically replaces drum tracks with a variety of samples - Compatible with WAV, AIF, and SDII samples and libraries - MIDI Input and Output Capability - Advanced Visual Triggering feature - Sophisticated sample management - Auto sample-rate conversion - New triggering engine for the ultimate in accurate triggering - Works with Pro Tools, Logic, Digital,, and more - Comes with a massive 4GB drum sample collection including: Rock Drums Drumagog Edition, Purrrfect Drums, Purrrfect Brushes, NS Kit Free and Classic Drum Machines. - Compatible with any VST, RTAS, or AU audio application - Works directly with BFD (Platinum and BFD versions only) you can now.
Please use this form to unlock your copy of Drumagog 4. Your unlock code will be e-mailed to you. Please add register@drumagog.com to your safe list/address book to ensure delivery of unlock code emails. The 12-digit CPU ID can be obtained by selecting the 'click to unlock' message at the bottom of Drumagog's 'Main' screen. The CPU ID will appear in a separate window, and this is the window where the unlock code is entered to complete authorization. Your name, e-mail address and phone number must match our records EXACTLY.
Please be sure to enter the same information you provided when you ordered or registered Drumagog 4. This can be found in the invoice which was e-mailed to you. If your e-mail address has changed, please provide your new e-mail address in the 'Current E-mail Address' field. This form can only be used to unlock Drumagog 4.
If you are unlocking Drumagog v3, please email us with your CPU ID at support@drumagog.com. ATTENTION: If you purchased Drumagog 4 AFTER the release of Drumagog 5, you cannot use this form so please email us your unlock code request. Be sure to include your Email address, serial number, and 12-digit CPU ID. Send the unlock request to support@drumagog.com.
User's Forum Make sure to check our user's forum for troubleshooting tips: E-mail Drumagog support If you can't find your answer on the forum, please e-mail us: support@drumagog.com Compatibility PC Version: Drumagog works with all 32-bit VST and RTAS audio programs, including Pro Tools (versions 7 through 10), Cubase, Nuendo, SONAR (3 and higher), Live, Tracktion, SAW, Samplitude, Acid, Vegas, Sound Forge, Audition. Windows XP, Vista, and 7 are supported. Mac OSX Version: Drumagog works with both G4/G5 Power PC Macs and Intel based Macs, and supports 32-bit VST, AU and RTAS audio programs, including: Pro Tools (version 7 through 10), Cubase (SX3 and higher), Live, Nuendo, Digital Performer (4 and higher), Logic (versions 7 through 9), Tracktion, and GarageBand. Mac OSX 10.4 through 10.8 supported. User's Guide Our extensive user's guide is available for download. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view the guide.
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