Cccam Ipk Open Atv Images
Can someone help me with the cccam 2.32 mips ipk for VIX image? You don`t need an ipk. Openvix is one of the easiest images to manually install softcam files.
Results 1 - 50 of 50143 - FREE CCCAM IPTV, 1,275. 9.3 (none), 851. Free cccam server dreambox.
Download and extract CCcam 2.3.2 atachment from the first post. FTP CCcam.mips32el to /usr/softcams 3). Change attributes/permissions on CCcam.mips32el to 755 4). Restart GUI Note - CCcam.mips32el file can be renamed to anything you want, for instance CCcam.2.3.2 Display More Thanks to your description the Installation of CCcam 2.3.2 worked fine on an OpenVIX Image. The only propblem remains that CCcam 2.3.2 won't start even though the 'CCcam.cfg' is existing and located under /etc.
While trying to start it, simply nothing happens (I first copied the CCcam.cfg to 'usr/keys' but then CCcam is showing an error message that it needs the CCcam.cfg under /etc.). So any advice what Needs to be done to get it started on OpenVIX?