Cbrom Exe Bios

Cbrom Exe Bios 8,3/10 5274 reviews

This page describes how to change the full screen boot logo of the Award BIOS for Robin and Woodpecker modules. For changing the boot logo, the CBROM.EXE is needed. This tool is provided by Phoenix Technologies and Toradex is not allowed to send a copy to the customers. Please contact the Toradex support for more information.

Cbrom Exe Bios

AWARD V6.0 BIOS and cbrom Netboot Mailing List (by thread) [][][][][][] AWARD V6.0 BIOS and cbrom • To: • Subject: AWARD V6.0 BIOS and cbrom • From: Rapp Informatik Systeme GmbH • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 14:02:53 +0100 • Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit • Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii • Reply-To: Hello, I tried to patch the AWARD Bios in my ASUS MES-N NLX board with cbrom. This don't work.! Intel 82558 Lan on board. Ramka dlya sertifikata psd hd. Floppy boot works., but the patched ROM code with cbrom mybios.bin /isa image.rom D000:0 could not be found in the bios if you flash, no TCP boot runs. Checking the BIOS RAM with DOS debug nothing is in.

No SHADOW RAM problem! Other replacements like epa work. Now I hope I found at award.com.tw the reason why it not works.

This board has a AWARD v6.0 BIOS and it seems we need cbrom6.exe. Cbrom.exe is for bios version 4.50. AWARD announce at Augist 6, 1999 CBRom.exe Version 2.0 as replacement for cbrom V1.2.x and cbrom6. Do anybody know how to get the new version of cbrom and modbin where also a modbin6.exe should exist. I also can't find a cbrom6.exe on the net witch will be sufficient for the moment I think. The download page at award.com.tw is password protected, do anybody know how they give access for download.

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Use this instruction and software at your own risk! A Bios-Update is always dangerous, because a power failure or software error during the flash process could make your Bios unusable, and have the consequence to reprogram the Bios-Chip by an external service like. Extract Boot-Logo out of BIOS Update file Bios-Tool: CBROM v2.15 CBROM, a small software from AWARD (PHOENIX), has functions to read, edit and insert each segments inside a Bios Update file.

CBROM works under DOS and the Windows command line. To show all parameters, go to the command line (DOS-Prompt) and insert: 'cbrom215.exe'. First of all we need a Bios Update file to edit the current logo, and the parameter /D to show all ROM segments. In our example we use the BIOS Update file 'N24LD505.BIN' from the DFI mainboard 'LanParty NFII Ultra B'. The input of 'cbrom215.exe n24ld505.bin /D' shows: The picture above shows the small EPA-Logo (EPALogo.bmp) on Pos.10, and the Fullscreen logo (LanParty.bmp) on Pos.11, and also the original and compressed size in kilobytes. EPA-Logo extraction: Extract the small EPA-Logo with 'cbrom215.exe n24ld505.bin /epa extract'.

Fullscreen-Logo extraction: Extract the Fullscreen with 'cbrom215.exe n24ld505.bin /logo extract'. The extracted BMP files have a different format as the normal Windows/OS2 BITMAP format! It is a special AWBM format. A graphics program like PaintShopPro cannot open these BMPs. Insert Boot-Logo into BIOS Update file Bios-Tool: CBROM v2.15 Now we use CBROM to insert our self created (normal) Bitmaps. Because CBROM is able to translate normal BMPs into the special AWBM format.