As400 Tutorial For Beginners Pdf Free
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This tutorial is an introduction to the AS/400 (System i5) system and to the RPG and DDS programming languages. This is the first from a series of nine articles covering several aspects of the system. AS/400 is a computational platform launched in 1988 by IBM. Currently it is officially named System i5, although the term AS/400 is still widely used, because of that we will be using the term AS/400 throughout the tutorial, just be aware it's not its official name anymore.
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The machine's operating system is usually OS400. This system has several application from database managers to compilers, editors, etc. AS/400 supports several programming languages like Java, C, SQL, Assembly, COBOL, PHP, etc.
Minimum requirements to complete the tutorial: • Basic programming knowledge. • Basic database knowledge (relational model, SQL). • Access to an AS/400 server. • Access terminal to the AS/400 server (in this tutorial the examples are given using Moshasoft). A small application will be built through each chapter.
The AS/400 is IBM's new generation of full-range, multi-user, and general-purpose. Although it is generally considered a mid-range system, the AS/400 is a mid. All AS/400 models use the same basic utilities, including PDM, SEU, DFU,.
After the last chapter the application will be able to manage a set of shops and their clients. At the end of each chapter you will be given the source code to the complete application. This is the application's data model: AS400 application data model.
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